Scholarships / Fee Concessions

Concessions in tuition fee are granted on the following grounds:

Kinship basis

Half tuition-fee concession is granted to every 2nd and 4th child with same parentage.

Poverty Basis

Granted to most deserving students on the basis of
a) Financial position of the parents
b) Results
c) Rented / owned house, utility bills, way of living, etc.
d) The amount of concession in tuition-fee varies from case to case and may be 10%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% tuition fee concession.
e) There’s an approved quota of 10% of entire strength for concessions on poverty basis.


Full tuition-fee concession on the production of death certificate of real father.

Employees’ Children

Full tuition-fee concession to the children of school / Trust employees.

Fee Concession Rules

1. All concessions are granted for one academic year only. However, these may be renewed for continuation in next year provided that the student shows consistency in producing good results.
2. Applications for fee concession must be submitted in the beginning of the session / at the time of admission.
3. Concession in fee shall be withdrawn in case of misconduct by the student or failure to show good results.
4. The cases for fee concessions are renewable on yearly basis.
5. The Principal of the respective school / college determines the amount of tuition fee concession on poverty basis.
6. The fee concession is awarded only in tuition fee and not in funds. All funds are to be paid by every student.
7. Fee concession forms are available at school office.
