Rules, Regulations and Decipline

Code of Conduct

  • Students are expected to uphold the honor and dignity of the school and their own Self-respect inside and outside the school at all times.
  • They must abide by the rules and regulations of the school and must not deviate.
  • In case of any violation from the set standards, the decision taken by the Principal shall be final and binding in all matters.
  • In the event of any student leaving the school premises without prior permission of the Principal, the institute shall take no responsibility as regards safety of that student.
  • It is the students’ responsibility to update themselves regarding information about examinations.

  • Students must observe the set standards of discipline in the school at all times.
  • Without prior permission of the Principal, no student is allowed to paste, exhibit, prepare or distribute any poster, leaflet, notice, pamphlet or hand-bill in the School premises.
  • Use of mobile phone, cameras, video cameras, cassette players etc. is strictly prohibited in the school premises.
  • Any political or immoral activity is not allowed.
  • Any damage done to the school prestige/property/building etc. will be strictly dealt with. A heavy fine/penalty or both may be imposed on any such damage.
  • Littering, scribbling and wall chalking are prohibited.
  • Plucking flowers/plants is not allowed.
  • Students must be punctual. Students are expected to arrive well before the start of school.  The gate will be closed after 5 minutes of the morning school bell.  Late comers will not be allowed to enter the school premises.   School authorities will not be responsible for the students who stay outside the school gate.
  • Parents/Guardians must have picked up pupils within 30 minutes of the school’s closing time. The school will not be responsible for any pupil’s safety 30 minutes after the school is closed.
  • No student is allowed to leave class room without permission of the teacher.
  • All pupils are expected to be courteous, considerable and well-behaved towards teachers, fellow pupils and subordinate. Misbehaving, stealing, bunking the classes and missing the practicals are serious offences.
  • All students must attend the School functions.
  • No student is allowed to enter the School in coloured cloths. In case of some urgency, a student must report to the Vice Principal.
  • Students are not allowed to bring visitors alongwith them.
  • Personal celebrations and exchange of gifts/cards among students and presenting gifts/cards to staff members is not allowed.

Expulsion of the student

Offences which may result in withdrawal / expulsion of the student:

  • Willful damage to school property.
  • Bullying or mistreatment of juniors.
  • Unbecoming conduct.
  • Parent’s / student’s misconduct with the school staff.


Pupils must be regular in attendance. 90% attendance is mandatory (except in conditions beyond one’s control) failing which a pupil will be liable to detention in the class and /or imposition of a heavy fine at the discretion of the Principal.
